Nowadays, almost all people in every country are wearing face masks and coronavirus is the topic of most talks and news. It is not surprising because coronavirus has become pandemic and has killed several lives. Understandably, almost all people in most countries are wearing face masks, hoping to have some protection against this virus.
However, there is some information that you should know about the coronavirus disease and face mask.
Are Masks Effective Against the Coronavirus Disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has changed its guidelines about its recommendation on wearing facial coverings. At first, the CDC recommended that if you are healthy and you do not have any means of contact with an infected person, you do not have to wear a face covering.
Yet, due to the growing recommendations of health departments and health professionals, the CDC has changed its guidelines that recommend everyone to wear facial covers when in public.
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization is firm about its previous guidelines that healthcare workers should use medical masks to tend to those who are sick. The organization is still unclear about its support for the widespread usage of it.
Some experts believe that wearing a mask is not beneficial at the community level. However, many research found out that wearing a face mask, along with the other preventive measures like washing the hands and social distancing, can help prevent the spread of the virus.
Therefore along with face mask use, the officials recommend that people should also do the following:
- Frequent handwashing
- Observe proper social distancing
- Avoid touching the face
Dr. Jerome Adams recommends leaving the usage of N95 and surgical masks to the healthcare providers. At a community level, it is enough to use household DIY face masks.
Health care experts emphasized the role of rave face masks. It is wrong to have a false sense of security when you wear one. Its function is to protect the other people from getting infected if in case you already have it without showing any symptoms.
What Are the Symptoms of the Coronavirus Disease
Whether you are showing any signs of the virus or not, you must know the symptoms of this deadly virus. If these symptoms persist, you should contact a professional immediately to prevent the infection from spreading more.
The new coronavirus, known before as nCoV and now famously known as COVID-19, came from a large family of a virus, which can cause a variety of symptoms to the infected.
Here are the symptoms of COVID-19:
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Breathing difficulties
- Fever
- Pneumonia
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
- Death
The coronavirus is not a typical fever or cold virus, because it can kill. At the time of writing, the number of cases has already reached near 2 million worldwide, and the number of deaths is already more than 100,000. Therefore, the best thing that people can do is to observe the preventive measures like wearing masks and coronavirus will not spread at a rapid rate.