
Modifying Your Home to Stay in it Longer

We love our homes, but as we age, some things become a little more challenging.  Even if you are the type that is determined to carry on, some changes make a lot of sense. There is no shame in modifying your home to suit your evolving needs. In fact, some changes should be made to make sure you are safe and can stay where you love to be for many more years. Accidents at home can be serious and may affect you for the rest of your life. Here are a couple of things that should be considered.

  • Stairlift: Stairs can be a source of concern for elderly people, as well as those who have mobility issues. A fall down the stairs can be very serious. But the installation of a stairlift can eliminate that concern. An Internet search will provide you information on stair lift hire in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Stairlifts are an excellent way to increase your freedom of movement in your home, and a lift will likely extend the number of years you will have to live there.
  • Bathroom Safety Features: Most accidents at home occur in the bathroom. For this reason, there are extensive options available to improve the safety there. You might begin with the addition of non-slip handrails wherever you need to get up or down. A big consideration will be the bath. There are many types of shower chairs and easy access tubs that will decrease chances of a fall.

Take some time to consider where the dangers might be in your home. The safer it is, the longer you will be able to enjoy living there.

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